View Profile FaithlessDave
David Maher @FaithlessDave

Age 29, Male

Canada N.S

Joined on 3/2/08

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690 / 710
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FaithlessDave's News

Posted by FaithlessDave - June 23rd, 2008

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Hey everyone, i brrowed a sketch pad from my friend, and the image on the bottom is my first picture, testing on different colours and such.

Yeah Xguala Pt. 2 Trailer is out, and it looks great...
If i had a voice actor it could of been better but what ever.
All of my flashes are going 1 at a time, and im doing it slowley so i can get a higher average...
I joined this new group, and one guy in it is writing the script for randomness part . 3 now spontainiously my coputer got faster... so it will be easier to make a long flash and keep on saying to be continued 1 min in.

Xguala pt . 1 was great. good reviews :P and i feel so special to get hit by a spammer :D
Anyway, this is a short post because i need to do some stuff but comment on my picture, and what you want me to animate in the future, because my writing is too intense to animate, so i need ideas after my next 5 flashes.
Anyway thats all i have to say

Lol aqua teen hunger force.

Sketch Pad

Posted by FaithlessDave - June 23rd, 2008

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Since i had my rant about "People giving me bad reviews when they dont have vids, softend up and they kept their bad and pointless reviews away from my flash.

Lol sorry about the Rainbow six vegas 2 trailer, its so epic...
Anyone that has Xbox 360 (Live) Add me up. FaithlessDave :P

Im realy bored right now, im not animating for a bit, i brang out Xguala Pt. 1 got a high mark
Got decent reviews and overall it got past judgement...
I want to know anything.
Give me any requests, give me a rant you know about.
I just want your posts :P.
Anyway summers here in canada, gonna go to the last 4 days of school to see my overall marks, its gonna be brutal...

Lol i slept in today so i decided to write a little somthing since im not going to school...
So i didnt realy have much to say :P.
Exept for a special thanks to LoveShineHero for the support of Xguala part 1 i put him in the credits for voice acting, but accualy i did it all... Lol I was gonna have him in it, but i had to have it in by yesterday, and i submitted it around 1 in the morning lol.

I have no ideas on what im gonna animate yet, im just gonna see how everything goes.

Animations to do.

-Xguala Pt. 2
-Randomness Pt. 3
-Halo 3 parody (Maybe... theirs tons of ways to make fun of this game, i dono if id have time.)
-Pico 09 I guess ill just throw that out there.
-Xguala Pt. 2 [Trailer]

Its gonna be a mouth full but ill get it done no doubt. :P

Give me your thoughts on anything. Please.

All new.

Posted by FaithlessDave - June 17th, 2008

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Thinking about closing [FD] lol i rather go solo than anything
Well i dont have much to say but my pet peave on NG

Man i am serious about this, ill give some links right now and thier comments.

1>>by: BeastyMcNugg
[date: June 16, 2008]
:>> That was a hardcore fail.

2>>by: akaryu2
[date: June 16, 2008]
:>>i'm not gonna b as mean as everybody else but maybe u should practice more before u release ur next one...

3>>by: niun
date: June 16, 2008
:>>........i want those 2 minuts of my life i wasted watching this back...no joke.

Look at this seriously Niun is practicly another copy and paste away from making a two picture album LOL!
so yah, any requests for new animations and junk.
Great to know.
I want to know how you think of what im doing and i dont want to be said im not professional, im just a kid taking up somthing i enjoy doing.
I expect to take up writing, illistration, and animation. Im just gonna write a quick little paragraph of a little girl drafted into the army when she was six.

Set: War
Year: Medevil

She layed down her blood covered sword and she trembled from the sight outside the safehouse, the house creaked an auful noise, and the sounds of war echoed through from outside, her life was at the tip of her fingers, having no hope at all to get out of this army, no hope to see her drafted parents that were sent to london to be safe from slaughtery and the terrorism that spread throughout the canadian border.
Ohya about the Zohan trailer.
I love that movie soo much.
N'eway G'Night peepz, leave your comments.


Posted by FaithlessDave - June 3rd, 2008

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Xguala has been started and i am hard at work to orginize to have beter work time but exams are coming up so no submissions will be coming from me any time soon.
Xguala is basic, and its gonna be huge, with my ad adviser Formalz if you want in on any ideas you will have a special thanks of course.

[FD]'s going great but slow, none of my peeps are animating anymore,, Deku3mikou is hard at work along with Formalz, but i see nothing new, so if you got anything new you wanna show me just pass it up.

Posted by FaithlessDave - May 22nd, 2008

okay i made part 2 to Randomness and it was 24MB!
I watched primal war and thats friggen 9MB plus the wiked animation i dont know why my file came out so big.
well back to the animation, it was done, it was one of my best, made in three days time, and now its to big for my computer to corrupt into a second file.
I started a new seiries called Xgualla: The cutest radioactive thing youll ever see, part two be around... i dono in a while, im waiting on getting rainbow 6 vagas 2 :P
All of my teachers gave me a bad review saying i was too hyper.
Well ill just say i have ADHD and maybe i can get away with it :D
N'eway we got a couple new people for audio and advertisment im still trying to get a higher % to run a collab :P


Posted by FaithlessDave - May 15th, 2008

I got a new animation :]
its a improvment.
Im still not the greatest but im egtting there.
Site is improving with latest updates, one of our members are working
on a new site ATM, so thats gonna be great, we got a few more members
and my friends from school were cut due to the animator not working.
But i still got MC G by my side, ill probly have applesmith too but who knows.
Also instead of typing www.freewebs.com/faithlessblahBlahblah
I made a .tk domain so now its only www.FaithlessDevotion.tk :]
Im gonna make a picture for the top of all of our accounts to indicate that you
are part of FD productions... I dont know were i will post it tho >:l
Ill make an account on photobucket and everyone can take it ^^.
Also i made a new Icon for like posts and crap so if anyone wants it just PM
me up, heres a sample:


Posted by FaithlessDave - May 6th, 2008

Im bored so im gonna write a lil somthing.
[FD]Productions has got 3 new animators [McG, NJ, And Jowen] and they are all high at rank, so if your in [FD] and you screw with them, youll be kicked off [FD]

[FD]'s Chronicles is now off, The idea sucked, ill still use [FD] for my animations tho :]
<Looking for more Animators>

<Looking for more audio>

Yah i was bored


Posted by FaithlessDave - May 5th, 2008

I dont have much time but all i wanna say is chronicles is off, the stories dead, animation dead, im just into comody its more my style, anyway, good night peeps.

Posted by FaithlessDave - May 3rd, 2008

Good news peepz, 5 new members, added to FaithlessDevotion,
Its good to know, people dont exspect to be paid for this, its a fun time :]

New pages, animations, now a forum was added to the site,
and all the latest nes
&more :]

I got THE CREW and TARDASAURUS past judgement, they are both part of my one hour series, but i am starting over chronicles, because the one i have going now sucks :P
Well thats about it.

Thankyou for people that supported me to make FaithlessDevotion rise, and now stuff is running smoothly if i can get some responses on whoes in the collab i will be able to have everyone meet on at the same time, you can make the animation at any time if you want but i want to have a countdown evemt in the forums. :]
PM me :D

Good night everyone, and keep your messages for the one hour collab, it will be a great start to the people that want to animate. :P

Posted by FaithlessDave - April 30th, 2008

Wow, i got a lot of negitive feedback about FaithlessDevotion..
I guess people dont get the point that its a team to work together to have a positive impact to NewGrounds.. No you dont get paid and if you dont have anything to say about accualy joining it, dont say anything.
Meanwhile the site is now open to anyone that WANTS to join, and if you dont... do not give me your crap about not wanting to join OK?, im just trying to find a group of any skill, and any occupation, to form a team for my next collab, were im trying to still make a theme for it...

But watever
<clicker h3r3 f0r Sit3>


<Click3r here if you dont care and you want to give me hate mail>

Meanwhile, Thankyou everyone
