I wrote a comment on the forumz, to come and leave a post so... Do it? :P
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Goal: 500 posts
I want 500 posts because i want to.
Just to start of the convo, im gonna give you some news and stuff.
Xguala .pt 2 trailer was a hit, [dono how that happend.]
Xguala .pt 1 was a hit. [thats great.]
Randomness .pt 2 sucked [no supprise]
Willing to ask me any write a comment, ill be reading all 500 if i get that much lol.
But in all seriousness, my friend is upsest with drawing balls. and making dick jokes...
am i wrong for worrieing
[Sorry staff of NG, its your fault, he never did it before he seen the amount of dicks in this site]
What do you think of my new desplay isnt it sexy.
What do you think of my crappy new banner isnt it Shmexxy.
What do you think of my Gamer Tag On Xbox360 live that you can spam me more on: FaithlessDave
Isnt that just addorable?
Complete randomness, but watev.
Back to news?
Im shaving my head. :P
Summers here?! JHC!
I have cookies.
Im craving Icecream Sandwiches.
Well good luck wit deh posts. >;[ betta been readin dis written commentary of the
500CommentFammine /:P
I'm so cool